
Content is central to GraphCMS. It's in the very name "CMS"! Content is any piece of data that you store in GraphCMS. From system generated fields like IDs and timestamps to editorial content like Titles, Products and more - it's all content.

Create content

  1. Navigate to the content tab in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Choose a content model from the collapsible sidebar.
  3. Press "+ Create New" in the upper-right corner of the window.
  4. Fill out the information requied by your content model.
  5. Press "Save" in the contextual sidebar to save your content onto the DRAFT stage, or press "Save and Publish" to save your content onto both the DRAFT and PUBLISHED stages, respectively.

Update content

  1. Navigate to the content tab in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Choose a content model from the collapsible sidebar.
  3. Find the content item you'd like to edit in the content entries table.
  4. Press the pencil icon (second from the left) to enter content-editing mode.
  5. Change the data as needed then press "Save" or "Save and Publish" to create the content in DRAFT or DRAFT and PUBLISHED content stages, respectively.

Delete content

  1. Navigate to the content tab in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Choose a content model from the collapsible sidebar.
  3. Find the content item you'd like to edit in the content entries table.
  4. Check the selection box at the beginning of the row.
  5. Press the trash icon with the word "Delete" at the top of the content table.
  6. Confirm the deletion.

Paging content

At the bottom of the content table are page forward and page backward arrows along with the ability to jump to a specific page, change the amount of entries per page and see an active page index.

Searching for content

As content grows, there will be times when you need to quickly find the content you are looking for. Unless you know the ID of the content entry, you will want to filter your content.


  1. Navigate to the content tab in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Choose a content model from the collapsible sidebar.
  3. Press the Filter icon at the end of the filter bar at the top of the content entries table.
  4. Choose from one of the fields listed for filtering.
  5. Select the filter method in the center of the filter box.
  6. Select the criteria for filtering content from the given options.


You can click a column header on any row to sort or sort by reverse for each type.

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