Import Contentful Projects into GraphCMS

Fabian Beliza
Fabian Beliza

December 8, 2017

Import Contentful Projects into GraphCMS

Today we are very happy to show you what we have been working on lately: Our brand new Contentful importer!

When creating a new project you will now be prompted with a neat selection from where you can start your importing process. All you need is your Space ID, Content Management API Token and Content Delivery API Token from Contentful. The setup wizard will guide you through the necessary steps.

Importing Step

When the setup is finished you will have your Contentful project in a shiny new environment and you can get started right away. Take advantage of our powerful GraphQL API and all the great tools for developers and content editors!

The Importer is still in BETA and the import of some models may not work due to naming conflicts but you have the possibility to fix this within the importer setup.

Importing Fix

When you run into any issues make sure to talk to us in Slack!

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