[Legacy] Product Update: May 2019

Makenna Smutz
Makenna Smutz

May 29, 2019

[Legacy] Product Update: May 2019

Hey developers, creators, and the curious! Another day, another release. This one includes a new BETA cluster, a new field, and more! TL;DR

Location Field

GraphCMS Location Field UI

The much-awaited location field is finally here! You can find it in the fields tray when in the schema tab. The field takes an address and displays the location as a pin on the map. You can also manually select the address on the map.

To query this field, you can request the latitude and longitude of the field as such: graphql { hotels { location { latitude longitude } } }

Project Cover Images

Project Cover Images are a really fun new feature. They allow you to differentiate between projects if you have multiple or brand your experience a bit more. To upload a project image: 1. Navigate to the settings pane. 2. Under the first section, General Project Settings click the Upload button at the bottom of the avatar. 3. Upload your image, crop or edit how you'd like. 4. Save. Now check out your new dashboard with an easily parsable view of your projects!

What's coming up next?

A quarter of the way into 2019 and the GraphCMS team is only picking up velocity. Along with these new features, the GraphCMS team is always striving to maintain a stable and performant product to power yours. As a teaser for the next release: bulk content actions are about to become a lot easier ?

Until next time,

-The GraphCMS Team

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