Introducing Content Localization

Fabian Beliza
Fabian Beliza

November 6, 2017

Introducing Content Localization

Future Author's note: this article entails details of the legacy GraphCMS system. Here is where you can find details on the current content-localization possibilities.

Today marks the completion of our latest milestone: Content Localization!

You can now choose between a whopping 239 locales from Afrikaans to Zulu, but that's not the end. You are also able to define custom locales for whatever use-case you can think of: Programming languages, a klingon ? blog about fashion - you name it!

The Setup

All you have to do to get started is have a project in trial (or you're always welcome to purchase a plan that includes localization ?‍). Then you can open up your project settings and set your locales under "Content Localization".

Locales Settings

The complete guide to bringing translations to your project can be found in our docs.

Upcoming Roadmap

We are preparing our public roadmap to keep you updated on our latest development and upcoming features.

Have a good one! ?

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