How to design and scale modern web apps for insurers.

Christopher Kühn
Christopher Kühn

December 9, 2019, 15:30


Join our webinar with sum.cumo and Dextra as we discuss challenges, requirements, and considerations, when making the switch to a modern tech stack.

Our webinar will be targeted at insurers that want to make the move to a modern API-first platform approach to deliver superior omni-channel experiences. We will discuss the challenges, requirements, and considerations when modernizing based on two customer case studies. This webinar will be in English, and should last for approximately 1 hour including a 15 minute Q&A.

Speakers: Christopher Kuehn (GraphCMS), Sven Wagner and Daniel Chennaoui (sum.cumo), and Gregor Huber (Dextra).

The event is co-hosted by sum.cumo - the leading digital solution expert for the insurance industry based on their execution know-how and modern tech stack. Learn more on

Dextra Rechtsschutz is Switzerland's only legal protection insurance company. More info on

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